The potential of jointed lures for mountain streams

The potential of jointed lures for mountain streams

The lures for mountain streams are all the same, so it's not exciting.

Hello! This is Kamimura from Hitotoki Works.

This is sudden, but...

Do you feel that all the lures for mountain streams are the same and there isn't much difference between them?

This is actually what is at the core of how I make my lures!

As someone who has had experience with a variety of lure fishing, I wondered why flat sinking minnows are the only thing used in the trout world.

Are there any other actions that can catch fish?

While the lures of Hitotoki Works are designed to help you catch more fish, they also aim to help you catch fish with interesting lures.

I first discovered this type of fishing about 17 years ago.

The heyday of big baits for black bass.

At first I scoffed, saying "There's no way you'll catch anything with this," but as I got more involved in fishing I was shocked to see several large fish I had never encountered before chasing me.

I'm sure he will never forget the excitement he felt at that time and will continue to pursue it in the world of trout fishing.

There's no point in me making lures that are similar to those that exist in the world.

He is a typical person who pursues romance even if it means being poor...

The potential of jointed lures

From those past experiences, I feel the potential of jointed lures more strongly than most people.

In fact, we started development on it two years ago, in parallel with the IGNA50S!

"Why hasn't it been released yet?"

That's what you thought, right?

As you can see from the photo, it took a ton of prototyping and testing to achieve the ideal action.

Although it's not in the photo above, the action was finally born on the sixth try!!

However, I am a little concerned about the tendency for it to float up...

To find the right weight, try sticking and peeling off the weight stickers over and over for a month.

After much effort, we discovered the optimal golden ratio that is not affected by the action.

Even at the prototype stage when I wasn't completely satisfied, it led to unprecedented catches, and once I was satisfied with the action, it has helped me so many times...

I remember that this development test gave me confidence in the potential of the jointed lure.

The catch of jointed lures in mountain streams is on another level.

Jointed lures are easy to use.

① Just by letting it go with the current and removing the lint, it swims around unsteadily almost like a small fish.

② By adding fine details to the action, it is possible to attract fish by limiting the distance they move, something that a minnow cannot do with its wriggling movements.

③ With a stronger action, it will slide sideways with a smooth movement.

4. When fishing in a reverse current or down current, you can lure the fish by keeping it still and letting it wobble around just by taut the line.

By making full use of these four main actions, I was able to catch some amazing fish.

Whenever I use this lure, my son, who is an elementary school student, sees it and mistakes it for a fish swimming around!

However, if I use it too much, the staff around me start saying things like "That's unfair" or "Are you planning to sell IGNA?", so recently I've been trying to keep it down to the necessary testing level.. .

Not only is the movement unique, but it's addictive to see them attacking such a lure...

But there's still a long way to go.

The lure that took two years to create didn't go so smoothly...

When we changed the structure of the joints to make them more mass-producible, the strength was reduced...

It looks like it will take a little more time...

Well, this happens all the time, so we'll just take our time and create something good!

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